

Need help booking a Tour? The process is easy! Read the following steps or contact us for more information on making a reservation at Ice Creek Lodge. Please note that all prices listed are subject to change. Rates will be updated on January 1 each year and will be good for one-year term.

  1. Read through the tabs on the selected Tour page to make sure that this tour is right for you. We want to make sure that you (and all your group members) will be stoked and ready for the tour you choose.
  2. Fill out and submit a Request Booking form found in the selected tour.
  3. You and all members of your group are required to read and agree to the terms and conditions on our Waiver and Booking Policy prior to finalizing your booking. 
  4. All group members will be required to fill out the  ICL Group Information Sheet-Winter at the time of booking. By signing this, you agree that all group members have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the waiver. 

Next Steps: 


Group leaders acknowledge that all members have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the waiver (BLBCA-Waiver Winter or BLBCA-Waiver Summer) and Ice Creek Lodge Booking Policy, prior to sending a deposit. Any payment issued confirms that all group members have read the above documents. At the time of booking a 50% deposit is required to confirm your space for the date requested. 

Reservation Form and Waivers

Please complete the Group Information Form and the Medical Information Form (optional):