Wildlife & Safety

Wildlife & Safety

Wildlife & safety at Ice Creek Lodge is one of our priorities. A variety of wildlife exists within the Ice Creek Lodge tenure and Valhalla Provincial Park, including the grizzly and black bear, mountain goat, mule and whitetail deer, cougar, golden eagle, and alpine ptarmigan. There are effective and natural ways to prevent conflicts with wildlife while respecting the land, the wildlife, and their home. Here are some other ways to prevent conflicts with wildlife.

The most effective and natural way to prevent conflicts with wildlife at Ice Creek Lodge is to dispose of garbage and compost properly. We have safe storage for both while you are at the lodge and ask that you pack out your garbage during the summer months. It is proven that where attractants are managed properly, there are fewer human-wildlife conflicts and fewer animals destroyed.

Tips for Safe Travel

  • Travel in numbers and make some noise – startling large animals may not end well so make your presence known.
  • Help keep wildlife wild – when you see animals, do not approach or taunt them; give them space to simply be.
  • Know how to look for signs of recent animal activity, follow posted wildlife closures, and know what to do in case of an encounter.
  • Secure all your food and garbage to avoid any human-wildlife conflicts. During the summer months, all garbage must be hiked out with you.
  • Animals are most active at dawn/dusk and at night; try to plan your outing after breakfast and before dinner.
  • Travel in groups and keep kids close to minimize dangerous encounters with wildlife.
  • Follow signs and park rules. Stay on trails to avoid trampling and damaging vegetation

Many of us live in rural communities close to nature. Despite our best efforts, we can never eliminate the risk of human-wildlife conflict. We must all accept our responsibilities to ensure that humans and wildlife can coexist.

We must take necessary steps to reduce the risk of human-wildlife conflict in our communities, and when recreating or working outdoors.

Learn more about common species in B.C. and how to reduce conflicts and remain safe around each.